Honor Who You Are: Living Your Soul’s Timeline

By Dina Tibbs / Guidely

When understanding how to honor who you are, there is something important to know. If you have been reading my work for a while or even if you are newer, you have probably experienced me talk about the fact that I do not live in accordance with the man-made calendar and time system, but rather in a more seasonally supported way; a way that honors my soul’s rhythms and patterns. I do this because when I fully trust in nature and the fact that my soul knows my Divine timeline, things tend to fall into place. New possibilities show themselves because I slow down long enough to listen. I know when to slow down and when to speed up based on my own patterns because I have studied and worked with them for years. All this to say, however, I am not infallible. 


Learning Who We Are

I noticed after musing on a presentation I heard, and some synchronous readings that in my teachings of this work to others that I may not have been fully honoring their souls’ timelines or their energy patterns.

On one side of the spectrum there are often well meaning business and productivity coaches that teach people how to fully utilize their time and be productive. Even when teaching on “blocking time” for self-care, it is still very production focused; producing self-care, family, and fun. It was focused on being fully on, even during self-care tim,  all the time and rocking it, if you will.

On the other side of the spectrum are well-meaning transformational and spiritual teachers and coaches impressing the need to rest, get quiet, meditate, listen; all of the things. I fall on that end of the spectrum. And, it is indeed necessary but here is what I learned is true for me (and for you as well). It will shift how I present some things in my work, because I have noticed in both cases, women try to put these structures in place and it works for a time, but it doesn’t last or become a new way of being. And I realized that is because it is not specific to their own rhythms, energy levels, and patterns, but rather a one-sized fits all approach based on what has worked for that teacher, in their own lived experience.


How to Honor Who We Are

There are times when we are fully on and energized, and there are times when we are not. All of which is ok; it ebbs and flows. My level of high energy and more quiet energy is different than yours, it is our soul’s unique fingerprint. This may mean that when you are fully tuned in and turned on, that you do work more, because you can, and you have the energy for it. Therefor, no one should tell you you are working “too much” (unless you really are and are burning out) and should rest. Conversely, when your energy is lower and there are natural times for that, you allow the rest. No one should tell you that you are stuck or stagnant.

The key is being in your own awareness as to when those times are (and there are techniques for that. That is how I can best guide you, as opposed to telling you when and how much is best for you) and then honor who you are when you are moving towards incoherence with your own energy, and either begin to overwork, or begin to be stagnant rather than restful.


Live Your Soul’s Timeline

I am going to share a passage with you from Anam Cara by John O’Donohue that really struck the chord for me personally and how I will work with others on Harmonic Living in the future. I highly recommend reading all of his work, he was such an amazing and loving human.

“If you work with a different rhythm, you will come easily and naturally home to yourself. Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more importantly it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey. There are no general principles for this art of being. Yet the signature of this unique journey is inscribed deeply in each soul. If you attend to yourself and seek to come into your presence, you will find the exact right rhythm for your own life.”

I don’t know about you, but even though I know this all to be true (heck, it is what I guide others towards) but, when I read it in this way, through his words, I breath a sigh of relief. It is time we all get off the hamster wheel of following someone else’s plan, path, and timeline, no matter how well meaning, or how successful that person has been with it in their own lives. Because the truth is, our soul already knows, we just have to slow down long enough to listen (and for you that may mean a minute, an hour, a week, a month) and most importantly to trust this truth to better honor who you are.

Now, of course, we can learn from others, be inspired by their wisdom and lived experience, and having walked the path before us, we can receive tools and techniques to assist us on the journey when we don’t know where to start. But, in the end it is a matter of us remembering what our soul already knows and has been trying to show us. It is a matter of understanding the essentials to honor who you are.


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